Credit Card Debt Management Consolidations

Credit card debt consolidation can be of two types – consolidating all your debts into one debt, or taking a fresh loan to pay off all the existing debts. Technically the latter type is called debt consolidation loan but the term debt consolidation is often used to mean both methods. One should confirm before committing to either alternative and choose whatever method is more suitable to his/her situation.

Mere debt consolidation is not a loan. It is the process wherein you combine all your credit card debts into a single debt with the help of a professional debt management/repayment program of a financial institution. The representative of the program negotiates on your behalf with the credit card companies regarding your outstanding debts. The duty of the representative is to secure a lower rate of interest and reduction in penalties for late payments.

Instead of paying several separate bills every month you make only one consolidated monthly payment of a fixed amount to the debt manager as if there is only one loan. It is his duty to make the payments to the individual creditors and keep your accounts up to date. The programs will require you to stop using your cards till complete repayment of debts. With the systematic guidance of a professional debt management program you can pay off all your debts in a much shorter time than you expect. The service involves fees for securing all these benefits.

The second type of debt consolidation entails taking a fresh loan to pay off the existing loans. It is the oft resorted measure to pay off the credit card debts. A debt consolidation loan facilitates a fixed rate of interest, lower monthly installments and the convenience of servicing a single loan – instead of coordinating between many debts with different rates of interest. Credit card consolidation service providers or help centers extend the necessary assistance to get the loan.

One should be careful before going for a consolidation loan because more often than not they charge a high rate of interest and generally they are secured loans – unlike credit card debts, which are unsecured debts. A default may result in losing the property given as collateral. Choose only a loan with a competitive rate of interest.

Debt consolidation of either type does not revamp your credit rating overnight. But it can help improve your credit history and ensure a debt free future with careful planning. Also, it protects you from harassment of creditors and the humiliation of filing for bankruptcy.

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