Category Archives: Credit counseling
New Car Loans With Bad Credit – What You Can Expect When Applying
If you have a credit score that is below 680 you will likely have a hard time getting a car loan from a traditional dealer such as your bank but this does not mean you cannot get financing. This article
The Key to Real Estate Success and 5 tips on how to implement in your business
During the boom, investors made profits with all sorts of strategies, even with little knowledge and many mistakes. Those investors may have experienced a rough couple years and may have given up. Here I will discuss the key to break
How Could A Bad Credit Loan Repair My Credit History?
Imagine this scenario. You are struggling to rebuild your credit reputation by paying all your credit charges on time. However, you still have a slew of large credit accounts that you need to settle immediately and your monthly income is
FHA Reverse Mortgage Loan-Get a Hang of It
What is an FHA reverse mortgage? First and foremost of all, the readers should know what a reverse mortgage is. Well, it is a special type of remortgage without any obligation to make repayment till the homeowner lives in the
Guaranteed merchant cash advance is now a reality.
Merchant cash advance is a form of receivable financing. It is not a loan! In fact due to the cost of the money if it were a loan the only state it would be legal is Nevada. The way it
Bridging the gap between learning and doing
Have you attended seminars, read and learned about real estate? Are you one of the many with nothing to show for it? Have you paid thousands for seminars and coaching but have still yet to do a deal? Do you