Category Archives: Earn credit

Gas Rewards Credit Cards: A Look at the Top Three

Gas prices are skyrocketing all across the United States, which means that consumers are constantly on the lookout for ways to counteract the unprecedented assault to their bank accounts. At over $3.00 per gallon for the lowest octane fuel, people

Student loan consolidation guide 101

The constantly escalating fees as well as the competition in the field of higher education have made the life of a student burdened by debt. Most of the students are financially not capable of bearing the enormous expenses of their

Bad Credit College Loans

Your bad credit rating need not stop you from putting your finances back on track and getting the best refinancing deals, such as college-loan consolidation. Yes, even with less-than-perfect credit, many companies are willing to help you simplify your college

Are Bad Credit Re-Mortgages Impossible?

So many of us feel that having bad credit will make a re-mortgage impossible or very close to impossible to say the least. With so many of the traditional lending institutions not even wanting to speak to us, slamming the

Applying for a Secured Loan 101

If you’ve made the decision to apply for a secured loan, you’re likely to have done a bit of homework in regards of current interest rates, traditional fees for preparing the necessary documents, and of course, the fee your lender