Tag Archives: balances

Taking Charge of Your Zero Interest Credit Card

The biggest names in the credit card industry like American Express, Discover, Citibank, and First USA among others are taking the market by storm with their zero interest credit cards. For people who enjoy an excellent credit rating, zero interest

7 Ways To Protect And Improve Your Credit Rating

Your credit score accounts for the amount of interest you have to pay for a loan or a credit card. Increasing your score in just a few points will make a big difference in the interest rate you will pay

Top 10 Credit Card Tips (Page 1 of 2)

The credit card has been one of the most popular inventions of this time, helping consumers acquire convenience and boosting consumer spending for the economy. However, credit cards have been exploited for the wrong reasons, and thus have become the

Balance Transfer Credit Card – Debt Consolidation

Balance transfer credit cards can provide an excellent option for debt consolidation. Many Americans are currently in debt and struggling for a way out. Some choose to use a home equity loan to help get themselves out of debt, but

Filing for bankruptcy can be the first step to restoring your credit

So, a Fresno bankruptcy can actually start you on the way to good credit? This is a critical question to ask your Fresno Bankruptcy Attorney. First of all, you need to understand that the old adage: “the bigger they are

Balance Transfer Credit Cards – An Overview

What Is A Balance Transfer Credit Card?Simply put, a balance transfer credit card allows you to transfer your card balances over from your other credit cards. Through this transfer you can save money on the APR. If you can consolidate