Tag Archives: bankruptcy

Bankruptcy And Attorneys – Part 1 (Page 1 of 2)

Bankruptcy attorneysAmongst bankruptcies, debtors usually opt for Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies, since they provide the maximum benefits. Bankruptcy is a process, which involves litigation and lawyers and courts. The process can be trying, and it is important to

Rebuilding Your Life After Bankruptcy; Don't Cave To Holiday Pressures! (Page 1 of 3)

There’s something about shopping during the holidays as I watch consumers being attacked by exuberant cashiers pushing their store’s credit card that gets me concerned for those trying to build a solid life after bankruptcy. These clerks seem to be

Life After Bankruptcy – Acquiring a Bad Credit Car Loan

After having been discharged from bankruptcy, you are now ready to start rebuilding your credit history. Indeed, the effects of bankruptcy do not need to last for long. The sooner you can regain your good credit standing, the doors of

Banks and Housing Loans

The great American comedian, Bob Hope, said in a deadpan voice, “A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don’t need it.” A recent news report said that more companies, mostly small

How to Locate Free Financial Debt Consolidation Services

Whereas debt does power today’s economy, it produces a lot of people who are not capable of paying their bills. It’s correct that without debt, a lot of folks wouldn’t be able to come up with the money for the

Filing for bankruptcy can be the first step to restoring your credit

So, a Fresno bankruptcy can actually start you on the way to good credit? This is a critical question to ask your Fresno Bankruptcy Attorney. First of all, you need to understand that the old adage: “the bigger they are