Tag Archives: charge

Taking Charge of Your Zero Interest Credit Card

The biggest names in the credit card industry like American Express, Discover, Citibank, and First USA among others are taking the market by storm with their zero interest credit cards. For people who enjoy an excellent credit rating, zero interest

Top 10 Credit Card Tips (Page 1 of 2)

The credit card has been one of the most popular inventions of this time, helping consumers acquire convenience and boosting consumer spending for the economy. However, credit cards have been exploited for the wrong reasons, and thus have become the

Increase Credit Scores Rating

Credit scores ratings always starts with Credit repair. It is something that takes time and patience to accomplish, especially if the damage was made recently. There are many ways to increase your credit score and boost your ability to apply

The 411 on Secured Loans: What you need to know

Any time someone borrows money from a bank, the funds lent are referred to as a loan. Any time when the bank asks for collateral (a security that the bank takes charge of if you are unable to pay, like

Being Careful With Credit Cards

When it comes to getting equipped with a credit card, many people are aware of the advantages and disadvantages, but few are aware of how to ensure that they are getting the best deal through being careful about the credit

Homeowner Loans – Are They Different From Secured Loans?

Let’s face it, getting a loan can sometimes seem traumatic. Where do you go to get a loan? How much can I borrow? What sort of loan is best for me? …and i’m guessing that these are only some of