Tag Archives: credit score

Are Bad Credit Re-Mortgages Impossible?

So many of us feel that having bad credit will make a re-mortgage impossible or very close to impossible to say the least. With so many of the traditional lending institutions not even wanting to speak to us, slamming the

Applying For A Bank Loan

If you’ve never applied for a bank loan before odds are you have no idea what to expect from the process. There are different ways to apply for a bank loan. Often it is the TYPE of loan you are

Tips for getting a quality home loan

It has been quite a while that you’re on the lookout for an home of your own. Most likely you have problems in arranging funds for the similar. It might also be you have a bad credit history and are

Home Equity Loans without Equity?

Even if you haven’t built any equity on your home yet or if you need more money than the amount you have built on your home, you can get a 125% home equity loan that will let you get a

How to Build a Healthy Credit Score

When choosing a loan, one of the first things we check on is the interest rates. Apparently, the lowest interest rates and the best deals are only offered to those with good to excellent credit. If you have plans on

What Goes into Your Credit Score?

Credit scores can be computed using different credit scoring systems but the most widely used system today is the FICO score. Its formula was created by the Fair Isaac Corporation and is the one used today by many lenders, banks,