Tag Archives: education

Student Loan Debt Collections Come Up Short

The U.S. Department of Education is reporting that its current student loan debt collection contract produced more revenue in the first 15 months of operation than the previous debt collection contract did for the same period of time, but debt

Is A Federal Student Loan Consolidation An Option For You?

There are several advantages when you get a federal student loan consolidation. You can take advantage of fixed interest rates, lower monthly payments, one payment each month, get payment incentives and get new or renewed deferments.There is usually not a

Using Federal Stafford Loans to Finance Higher Education

College education can be the key to a great future career, but with tuition on the rise, the cost of attending a university is skyrocketing. Although saving for college is ideal, student loans can be a critical part of financing

School Scholarships Offer A New Lease In Life

Your education is the one thing for which your parents will work hard to make sure that you get to have the kind of education that they never had as this knowledge that you gain in your initial years will

Private School Education Loans: Is it Worth It?

Sending a child to private school equips a child with an education that they cannot receive in public school. Whether it is the choice of the child or the parents to attend non-public school in kindergarten through 12th grade, a

Federal Student Loans vs. Private Student Loans (Page 1 of 2)

Few students can afford to pay for college out of their savings, so they use student loans to pay for school. Two major categories of student loans include federal loans and private loans. Because we believe that it is important