Tag Archives: equity loan

Things you need to know on Equity Loan Rates

It is hard to find the best home equity loan rates because you have to wade through hundreds of banks, companies and other financial institutions flooding the country. Therefore, before taking out a home equity loan it is best to

Get Out of Bankruptcy using Your Home Equity

Filing for bankruptcy will not always discharge your from all your debts. Now that the New Bankruptcy Law has taken effect, filing for bankruptcy is ever more difficult and complicated. Today, your bankruptcy attorney cannot advice you about which type

What are Home Equity Loans?

Home equity loans are a great way for homeowners to borrow additional money by pledging their home as collateral against the loan. Borrowers who need a reasonably large sum of cash or who don’t have great credit often turn to

Home Equity Loans without Equity?

Even if you haven’t built any equity on your home yet or if you need more money than the amount you have built on your home, you can get a 125% home equity loan that will let you get a

Home Equity Loan Questions

Home equity loans… What do we really know about home equity loans? Before you decide to get a home equity loan, make sure that you fully understand the all the important aspects. Don’t hesitate to ask the lender some home

Ways To Secure Yourself For A Financial Emergency

One of the wisest moves is to make preparations for any possible financial emergency. Financial experts advise everyone to set aside a certain amount of funds that is enough to last for a minimum of 6 months. Hence, if tragedy