Tag Archives: financing

The Small Business Loan – For Cart Outlets, Retail Shops And Restaurants

Among the very lucrative, although unpredictable, business ventures these days are restaurants, retail shops, and cart outlets. Despite widespread belief it being not only a really rewarding company due to the fact that majority of the items isn’t only random

Auto Loans Financing

Auto loans financingNeed to get a new car? But the cost of it doesn’t suit your current financial status. Then make use of auto financing. Auto loan or car loans are a common thing nowadays. A majority of banks have

How to Borrow Money, Part 2

Debt Financing Debt financing means borrowing money that must be paid back over a period of time, usually with interest. It can be a short-term: less than a year and a long-term more that a year. You do not relinquish

Debt Management UK – Can it raise the Business Bar?

Bell was a nice human being. One day he showered some valuable words of wisdom when he was asked to raise the money for upcoming businesses. He was not an expert, however his experience enabled him to understand the business

How to Borrow Money, Part 1

There are two types of financing: equity financing and debt financing. The most frequent source of funding for a small and mid size businesses is to borrow money. Getting a loan usually is not an easy and short process. It

Angel Investor Funding: Sometimes a Bad Idea?

Angel investor funding (venture capital, or private for that matter) for your business is a bad idea sometimes. Yes you read that correctly. For all you discouraged entrepreneurs that have been making presentation after presentation barely making ends meet, take