Tag Archives: home loan modification

Key Points That You Can Receive From a Home Loan Modification Program

The global economic downturn today leads a lot of people to lose their property, and millions of people are in the brink of home foreclosure. This is the reason why financial institutions offer a lot of methods that will help

The Things That You Should and Should Not Do When Applying for a Home Loan Modification

The global economic slowdown that we are all experiencing today makes it hard for a homeowner to pay his monthly obligations including his mortgages. This is the reason why a lot of homeowners are losing their property due to home

Feldman Law Center – Ten Tips for a Successful Home Loan Modification (Page 1 of 2)

Feldman Law Center – News by Feldman Law Center – A home loan modification, for many homeowners, is the only option standing between them being able to stay in their homes and being forced to move after a foreclosure, a

Do you Qualify for Home Loan Modification?

If you’re one of the many homeowners hit by the economic crash, chances are you’ve looked into refinancing, short sales, and other ways to help you get back on track. But if you’re in serious default or are at risk

The Advantages of a Home Loan Modification Program

A home loan modification is a process wherein you are allowed to modify the terms of your mortgage. This method is commonly used by people who are having problems with paying off their mortgages, and is considered as one of