Tag Archives: home

Unemployment Loans For Those Hurt By The Financial Crisis

Are you among the thousands that are now unemployed because of the financial crisis or other reasons? If so, you are not alone. There have been hundreds of big companies that have either gone under or downsized the number of

First Home Buyer Needs Self Education

Any first home buyer is at a great disadvantage seeking a mortgage if time is not taken to understand all the necessary aspects toward obtaining a loan successfully. To find the most favourable deal possible, it is important for a

Unsecured loans for people on benefits – Loans at Your Ease

Your disability is one of the main reasons to survive on benefits offered by DSS (Department of Social Security). These funds are sufficient to fulfill day-to-day needs but when it comes to unforeseen crisis such as medical bills, payment of

What are Home Equity Loans?

Home equity loans are a great way for homeowners to borrow additional money by pledging their home as collateral against the loan. Borrowers who need a reasonably large sum of cash or who don’t have great credit often turn to

Are Bad Credit Re-Mortgages Impossible?

So many of us feel that having bad credit will make a re-mortgage impossible or very close to impossible to say the least. With so many of the traditional lending institutions not even wanting to speak to us, slamming the

Apply For Home Affordable Modification Program and Avoid Foreclosure Proceedings

Loan modification help will be converted into a permanent status only if the home affordable refinance program applicant meets certain eligibility criteria and then follows set rules and guidelines. The mortgage loan availed by many home owners needs to be