Tag Archives: modification

How to Modify Your Loan Risk Free

Almost all homeowners who are experiencing difficulty in paying their mortgages want to get their loans modified. However, many of them refrain from getting a loan modification due to the number of scams and misinformation in the industry which has

You do not have to lose your house to foreclosure when you discover how to help yourself.

You can stop foreclosure and obtain your harmony of mind as soon as you acquire insight of the tools/ resources that are accessible intended for you to apply when you are faced with this emergency. Once a property owner financial

Do it yourself loan modification software

DIY Financial Solutions, LLC is designed to give homeowners the opportunity to take control of their financial future at a fraction of the cost during this time of economic struggle. Our mission is to provide the consumer with the knowledge,

Do HARP and HAMP actually produce benefits?

One of the quotes seeming to run forever is, “Never give a sucker an even break.” Coming from the movie of the same name, starring and written by W.C. Fields, itÂ’s supposed to be a comic line but, first used

Loan Modifications: More Harm than Good?

In 2009, millions of United States homeowners learned that modifying their existing home loans served only to expedite foreclosure rather than prevent it. A U.S. Treasury report released in early December of 2009 revealed that only 4% of applicants under

Do you Qualify for Home Loan Modification?

If you’re one of the many homeowners hit by the economic crash, chances are you’ve looked into refinancing, short sales, and other ways to help you get back on track. But if you’re in serious default or are at risk