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Student Loan Scam Uncovered
For the college students, getting approval for student loans is becoming difficult. Private lenders are only interested in giving loans to students whose credit rating is good. Private financial institutions are taking the advantage of this situation and are charging high interest rates to students whose credit is not good.
Plenty of Student Loan Scams
The market is flooded with lenders whose only objective is to cheat students in the name of giving student loans. You can easily identify these lenders as they will often charge high application and processing fees. Initially, they will promise that you will get approval for your student loan very soon and the loan amount will come directly into your bank account. As time passes, their attitude changes and they will tell you that your application was rejected because of your poor credit rating or that you do not satisfy the eligibility criteria.
To deal with such scams, it is important that you do plenty of research before giving any money to the lender. Check the accreditation of lender with Better Business Bureau. If the lender you have opted for is a member of the Better Business Bureau, you should not need to worry about anything. To check the market reputation of lender, talk with the competitors as they will often give you a realistic picture.
What to Look for When Selecting a Student Loan Lender
The first thing that you need to look at is the customer service offered by the lender. You should not go with a lender that does not treat their customers properly. To check the customer service of a particular lender, send an e-mail. If they do not reply soon and from a real person, it is a clear sign that the lender’s customer service is not good.
As every lender has a website, it is really surprising if any student loan lender does not have one and it can be the sign of a student loan scam. If the lender you have opted for does not have its own website, they may be hiding something or be a scam. Stay away from such lenders. You should also note that lenders involved with student loan scams tend to change their office address regularly so if you note that they have multiple addresses within a few months, it is likely a scam.
Best Student Loan Packages
The best student loan packages have straightforward application procedures and you get the quickly loan with low interest rates and an easy repayment schedule. Before signing any agreement with your lender, it is advisable that you read the terms and conditions carefully. After signing the agreement, you will not be able to modify the terms and conditions of student loan package. The main feature of the best student loan packages is that you get a grace period during which you do not need to pay any money to the lender. This normally lasts for three to six months but can be more depending on the lender.
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