Tips to get payday loans or cheap loans in UK without a credit check

Trying to find the money when you need it fast can be difficult when you have a bad credit history. It doesn’t matter to the major banks and finance lenders what caused your situation or even if it wasn’t your fault – as far as they are concerned you are a bad credit risk. It is demeaning to keep having to go cap in hand trying to get money and facing rejection after rejection, especially when you have to get your hands on some cash urgently.

But the good news is that there are finance companies that will help you and fast if you know where to look. These companies have an extended range of financial solutions which can be tailored in many cases to suit your needs, particularly if you are looking for a ,payday loans UK or cheap loans UK product.

Admittedly there will be minor drawbacks in that you may need to pay a slightly higher interest rate than if you had processed your loan through a more conventional institution, and there will be a shorter repayment period, but on the positive side no check of your credit history is made. So providing you meet the basic age and wage requirements you are virtually guaranteed of getting your payday loans UK, or cheap loans UK.

One of the most well known and experienced of these companies is who is part of the Elite Loans & Mortgages Ltd. Financial Group of companies. This group are specialists in providing financial solutions to people who can’t access funding through more conventional banking channels.

Loan Pitstop is based in the UK, and very experienced in assisting people looking for payday loans UK or cheap loans UK. Their new online service makes completing your application form a breeze.

Available loan products:

You will find a wide range of loan products available from including:

• Payday loans
• Unsecured loans
• Secured loans
• Cheap loans UK
• No credit check loans
• Bad credit loans
• Debt consolidation loans
• Cash loans
• Logbook loans
• Mortgages

Service features:

Customer service – Consultations available with qualified staff members on aspects of loan products and customisation.

Website – Recently remodelled website, easy access to loan applications and products
Competitive rates: Competitive interest rates

Fast turnaround – Same day service on products such as Payday Loan UK

200 lenders – Access to more than 200 lenders who provide payday loans UK and, cheap loans UK amongst their many other loan products.

Building relationships – Developing customer relationships and personalised products when needed.

Best deal offer – We look for the best deal upfront to suit the customer

Opening hours – Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 6:30pm

You don’t have to worry about credit checks when you apply for a payday loans UK or cheap loans UK, and no upfront fees. No contract takes place until you are completely satisfied with what you are being offered.

If you need money today check out now and see what’s on offer. With great rates, number of lenders and excellent service what more could you need, and did I mention the super fast turnaround?

For further details about any products or services visit the website at or email:

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