Welcome to the Loan Age

Earth’s Rotational Periods Cause Ice Ages, Warming and Change “Researchers have stopped the debate about the underlying mechanism that have caused periodic ice ages on Earth for the past 2.5 million years – they finally linked them to slight shifts in solar radiation caused by predictable changes in the Earth’s rotation and axis.”

So is that what caused the Loan Age? The period 2007 to 2010, will forever be known on earth as “The Loan Age” when just about everyone went into financial stress. The earth has been through many ages in its four and a half billion year lifetime. Some eras were dramatic like the Jurassic Age, some were evolutionary like the Ice Age and some were progressive like the Bronze Age. The Loan Age was a time when everyone borrowed money in order to make it through another month. This era will not wipe out civilization as we know it; but it may feel like it!

The Loan Age The name we give to this age is not important as long as it has no permanent effect, like the Quaternary Age which occurred about 1.8 million years ago and which permanently wiped out many of the mammals. The Loan Age will bring dramatic changes to our world in many areas. Banking and money management will be very different as will all things related to finance, marketing, investments, the trading of stocks and many other things we take for granted and which have been in common use for centuries. It is not expected that institutions such as banking will become extinct. They will simply mutate to keep up with change.

The new operating system The earth is heading for a complete makeover, an improved operating system, let’s call it version 2.01. This is not another Microsoft product, rather one that is designed by its users, meaning us. It needs to be built from the ground up, and should include every possible variation and alternative that can be thought of. It will be very difficult to come along in 537 years time and say “we are issuing a patch to cover a loophole in the Money-Lending Law”.

Lay off the hardware And here is a warning – make sure the new operating system works with the existing hardware. You cannot force 6 or 7 billion people to change their hardware because it makes the operation faster or smoother. Our hardware is what we’ve got and this is what we are going to use until the next operating system is issued in another 2 million years or so. And make sure that those who come after us understand that the hardware we leave them has to last until a new operating system is issued.

Back to the Loan Age While the whole world sits and waits for the redesign to happen, we need a Band-Aid solution, one that will stop the blood pouring out of the wounded companies, industries, banks and governments. Would that be increased loans?

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